Friday, April 8, 2016

Back To Blogging

Life.  It’s wonderful, but sometimes certain aspects of it get in the way of us doing things we like to do.  Work, School, or Family can keep you so busy that it’s hard to have time for anything else.  And unfortunately for me, when that happens, other things in my life get cut out. 

I’m in my last couple months of high school and life has been absolutely crazy for me.  And it’s not only blogging that suffered.  I’ve really been thinking lately and I realized that so many things I used to do have fallen to the wayside. It got to the point where I spent -zero- free time doing anything like reading or blogging, or even any hobbies in general.  My reading has dropped drastically, and some months, I was barely reading at all.  For someone like me, that’s a big deal. 

So, why did the things that I loved -like reading and blogging- fall to the wayside?  Because life.  Unfortunately, the things that we must do come before everything else and sadly, sometimes it pushes other things out of the way.  And reflecting on this lately, it just makes me realize that I need to make more time for the things that I love. 

Blogging is something that I love and want to continue doing into the future. 

Lately, I’ve made a sort of personal resolve.  I really need to start doing more things that I love again.  I love writing posts.  I love blogging in general.  And I love reading.  Yet, those things that made me so happy got cut out.  Well, I’m putting them back in.  Life is stressful sometimes, but I’m not going to let those things that bring me joy leave my life. 

I just wanted to put this out there and say that this is something that I’ve been thinking about a lot lately.  It’s something that I’ve noticed has happened in my life and it’s not good and I don’t like it.  So, I’m going to change it.  This blog isn’t just a place for me to review books, but it’s somewhere that I can express myself. 

Has anyone else found that this is happening or has happened to them?


PS: I’m going to shoot for a post every Friday, until I can really take off with it again.   And hopefully I can finally learn how to schedule blog posts instead of doing everything last minute.  J


  1. I'm just going to put it out there. School sux so hard. Ughhh my reading has been so slacking lately because I've just been busy with schoolwork and a ton of projects that my teachers have decided I need to do. I just wish blogging and bookstagram could be my career, and I could get paid for it! Then I wouldn't need to go to school :D

    Glad to have you back!

    Alex @ The Book's Buzz

    1. I'm glad you agree with me! I hate when my reading slumps like that. YESS I just wish I had infinite time to read and blog. Glad someone understands what it's like to be in school and blogging and reading, etc.
      Thank you! <3

  2. I totally understand!! I'm so glad you are back though :) I haven't been reading much lately either. Besides Lady Midnight, it has been since December when I read Unbroken and The Nightingale. I just haven't been in the mood honestly:( It's really sad.

    1. Awww Thank you! <3
      I feel like a lot of people have been slumping lately. :( I had such a blast back when we read Heir of Fire - maybe we all need a huge buddy read to pull us out.

    2. Yes! Maybe, I haven't read Queen of Shadows yet:P

  3. Welcome back! I know life sucks when it gets in the way of things we love.

  4. I totally get this as well. I'm in my senior year of college and if it weren't for my co-blogger and I scheduling posts during breaks we wouldn't be posting anything either. I definitely need to take your advice and try to fit reading in more. I hope things slow down for you soon!

    1. It's so nice to hear that other people are having the same problems. Yes, I think it's something we all can do. Thanks! <3
