Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Books into Movies & TV Shows

Top 10 Tuesday is hosted by the wonderful ladies over at The Broke and The Bookish.
This week’s topic is…  Top Ten Books I'd Love To See As Movies/Tv Shows
As a book lover, I often fantasize about my favorite book series being adapted into an amazing movie or tv show.  Here are just some of the ones that I think would be awesome
Five books that should be TV Shows

Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Mass
I could totally see this as an amazing Game of Thrones-esque tv show.  It would be so cool to see Celaena kicking butt every week.  and Dorian and Chaol?  Sign me up. 
I all honestly, though, I could totally see this as the next Game of Thrones.   

The Secret Diamond Sisters by Michelle Madow
This series is filled with constant twists, turns and tons of drama.  I could definitely see Peyton, Courtney and Savannah as a TV show as they adventure through Las Vegas as the daughters of a billionaire.  It would be such a fun show, and I think it would have a gossip girl type vibe to it. 

The Lux Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Wouldn’t this be such a fun TV show?  It would be a blast to watch Daemon and Katy’s adventures week after week.  I feel like this series would be much better as a tv show than a movie.  There are plenty of successful tv shows about werewolves and vampires.  Why not aliens? 

The Gallagher Girls series by Ally Carter
This would make an amazing tv show or movie, really.  A boarding school for spies?  Who wouldn’t watch that?  However, this is a six book series, and to keep it true to the books and keep in all of the important details I think a tv show would be better.  There are so many twists and turns with this series that I feel like many episodes would end on a cliffhanger.

The Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan
Fellow Percy Jackson fans….
Please don’t kill me.
I think that the Heroes of Olympus series would make a terrific TV show.   The episodic structure in which the books are written I feel would translate well to a tv show.   With the prophecy of the seven being the main plot.  With the perfect cast, director, and script, this tv show would be a smash hit. 

Five books that should be Movies

Lunar Chronicles series by Marissa Meyer
This would make such a great sci-fi movie franchise.  Can’t you just see Cinder & Co. as they travel throughout the galaxy on their quest on the big screen?  I can.  And it’s amazing.  The way Marissa Meyer seamlessly intertwines these characters and storylines and just YESS

Just One Day by Gayle Forman
This is one of my favorite contemporaries and I think it would make such a terrific movie.  It would be amazing to follow Allyson and Willem on their whirlwind romance.  Plus, can you imagine how cool it would be if they shot on location and you got to see all the places they visit? 

Heist Society by Ally Carter
From the time I first started this series, I always thought it would make a good movie.  The books are written in such an episodic structure and it would translate really well with each book being about a different heist or con.  This could be a multi movie thing, with each one focusing on a different job.  Also, heist movies are always fun so I think this one would appeal to a pretty wide audience. 

The Young Elites by Marie Lu
This book has a pretty dark feel and is essentially, a villain backstory.  I feel like a lot of people today have an infatuation with villains (myself included) and would love this movie.  They could really play up the darkness of this book and bring out the villain aspect, and I think this would be very successful. 

These Broken Stars by Amie Kauffman and  Megan Spooner
These Broken Stars would be a great sci-fi survival/love story.  I think it would make a fantastic movie – getting to see Lilac and Tarver on this new planet as they grow and change and fight for survival.  
PS: Doesn't this cover kind of already look like  movie poster?

Well, that was fun!  What’s on your list?  Do you agree with these?  Leave a link and let me know! 



  1. Great list! HAHA I do NOT want anyone to touch the ToG series. I adore that series to bits and I would be so upset if someone messed it up ;) But it does have the potential to be great. Though I wasn't fond of the book I do agree that The Secret Diamond Sisters would make a really, really, really great show. :D

    1. I agree to some extent. I would be wary of adaptations being made out of most of these, just because I love them so much. But, in a perfect world, if I knew that they would be done right and turn out amazing, I would love to see these as movies or TV shows.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. a couple of these are on my list too!! :) I really want Throne of Glass to be done but be done well, and I totally said the exact same thing as you about it being like Game of Thrones! :) also the Lunar Chronicles I think would be super popular. love this list!

    1. Thanks!
      I agree, I Throne of Glass would have to be done extremely well for me to be happy.

  3. I would love to see Daemon (if casted right) on any screen. Great picks!

  4. GAH OLIVIA DON’T SPEAK OF THE PERCY JACKSON MOVIES. They are absolutely horrible. Like, is it that hard to read a book if you’re in charge of making a movie adaption for it? And to cast actors who actually resemble the book characters? /rant (Although I may be biased because I am Annabeth. We have the same personality and interests; plus I look exactly like her – we both have golden blonde hair and gray eyes.) If only we could get someone actually bookish to direct it… *scowls*

    And The Lunar Chronicles, Throne of Glass and These Broken Stars would be a fantastic TV shows and moveies as well. Those series are all fantastic!

    Thanks for sharing Olivia, and fabulous post!

    1. Soooorrrry....
      I completely agree with your rant. But if the perfect cast and director was found and Rick wrote the script and was in charge of decisions. That would be amazing.
      Thanks <3

  5. Great list! The Gallagher Girls sounds like it would be a fun TV show. Kind of Pretty Little Liars with a heavy dose of spies. I definitely agree about The Heroes of Olympus. It just needs a producer and director who both really get and love the book series and it'd be great!

    1. Yeah! It is sort of like that, but less annoying drama (in my opinion) Yes! Heroes of Olympus has the potential to be amazing. It just needs people who will value and take care of the original characters and story.

  6. Throne of Glass was on my list this week, as was Heist Society. I love Heroes of Olympus but after the train wreck that was the Percy Jackson movies, I'd be hesitant about anyone touching Rick Riordan's books for screen adaptation ever again. Still if it was done well, it could be fabulous.
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2015/06/02/top-ten-tuesday-7/

    1. I feel the same way, But, at the same time, I'd love to see one of Rick's other series get turned into a super sucessful tv series or movie - sort of like redemption from the horrible movies.

  7. Great list! I haven't read the Throne of Glass series yet (I've got the books and really need to get to them!) but a lot of people seem to want it as a tv show or movie! :)

    1. OOOOOH! I hope you enjoy Throne of Glass! It would definitely make a fantastic TV show.

  8. Apparently, we all want a Throne of Glass tv show. I'd LOVE These Broken Stars to be made into a movie! I'm reading Cinder right now and I already want a movie! Great list!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My TTT

    1. Yeah, once you get into the Lunar Chronicles, the more you realize how great it would be to SEE that amazing world.

  9. Young Elites would be pretty neat as would Throne of Glass! Great list:D

    1. Yeah! I think The Young Elites would work really good.
      Thanks <3

  10. Yes to all of these - especially Throne of Glass as a TV show!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

    1. Everyone wants to see Throne of Glass - it has to happen sooner or later right?

  11. A great list! I thought I had read somewhere recently that the Lux series was going to be made into a movie?? I can only imagine Pepe Toth playing Daemon now ;-) Definitely agree about Throne of Glass and Cinder.

    Sharon - Obsession with Books

    1. WOW. I need to find more info on that. Because that would be incredible.

  12. Oliviaaa! The Lunar Chronicles, YES YES. I love those books so much, ughghghg. I think they are my favorite ones now. Although, I don't know because I know I would end up raging everytime a character were chosen because I know I wouldn't be happy with it. Lol I would wanna see Just One Year and Just One Day too! Such a love story and all of those cities they mention in it?! YES! Give me Willem, please.

    1. Yeah, it's always difficult if characters aren't cast according to what they look like in your head. It makes me mad too.
      It would be such a beautiful movie! I seriously wonder why they made If I Stay and not Just One Day?

  13. We have a few of the same books. I would love to see them all on the big or small screen!

    Joana @ The Boundless Book List

    1. Same here! I would be happy with any of these as movies or TV shows.

  14. Awesome list! We've got a lot in common! I also picked Throne of Glass, Lux, Just One Day, and The Lunar Chronicles (Prince Kai <3). I just hope that if they do become films or TV Shows that they aren't changed!

    1. Yeah. That's always the tricky thing. I know that I would always rather see no adaptation than a bad one.
      We always end up picking similar things for our top 10 Tuesdays!

  15. These Broken Stars is actually optioned for a TV series!!! I was really excited when it got optioned but so far no neeeeews. Which is sadness. I think it'd be incredible. ^-^

    1. NO WAY. I need to find out more about this! It would be total sadness if that never happened!

    2. NO WAY. I need to find out more about this! It would be total sadness if that never happened!

  16. I LOVE These Broken Stars, I should have put that on my own Top Ten Tuesday! I DID put Throne of Glass, though, so it's okay. You're so right, it really is the next Game of Thrones. I can see it.

  17. Secret Diamond Sisters would be great as a show!

  18. Great list! I think Legend and Just One Day would make great movies. I don't know why they chose to do If I Stay instead!
